Vocational trainings for companies about migration law
for skilled workers and work visas
Vocational Trainings of Attorney Claudius Simon Brenneisen specialize in migration law. There is still a shortage of skilled workers in Germany. Despite some facilitations, the regulations for immigration for employment maybe confusing. Sometimes they offer alternatives whose consequences are difficult to assess. The chances of success for the issuance of a visa can be increased through targeted contract design and selection of the right legal basis. For foreign employees to remain in a company, other perspectives such as consolidation of residence, family reunification, or the possibility of absence abroad also play a role. Germany has recently approved new immigration laws to attract more skilled non-EU workers.
In his online courses attorney Brenneisen will cover
the following topics:
- The course of a visa procedure (responsible offices, who can submit which applications where, and what procedural options are available)
- What to consider in procedures with the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit)
(prior approval, deadlines, job description and salary) - Different types of visas and residence permits (what is suitable for whom and what are possible advantages and disadvantages, e.g. with regard to extensions and family reunification)
- For which nationalities and activities are there exceptions (business visas, work supply contracts, employed third-country nationals of foreign EU companies, secondments, etc.)?
- Possibilities in case of rejection or overlong duration of the procedure
The vocational trainings are aimed at HR departments and all those who support and participate in a procedure for obtaining a residence title for employment, or who are applicants themselves.
Next Dates for vocational trainings:
The New German Laws on Labor Immigration
Thursday, July 13 2023
17:00 – 19:00
Costs: 350 € (excl. VAT)
Location: Online
Attorney Claudius Simon Brenneisen specializes in the field of migration law and has been active in this area for many years. In addition to the representation of individual cases, there is a pronounced training activity for associations, institutions, and companies. The focus and scope of the training courses and seminars depends on the wishes of the clients and can cover the following topics, for example:
- Basics of aliens and asylum law (What are the different residence titles, toleration and permission? How does an asylum procedure work?)
- Migration law for advanced learners (exceptions to the visa procedure, changing lanes, third-country nationals from other EU states, freedom of movement
- Labor market access (How and when can foreigners or refugees obtain a work permit?)
- Labor migration for skilled workers (What are the procedures and requirements for the “Blue Card”, secondments according to the “ICT Directive”/intra-corporate transfer, or other possibilities for skilled workers and specialists)?
- Special features of unaccompanied minor refugees (When does it make sense to file an asylum application? What do I have to pay attention to during the hearing? What happens when they reach the age of majority?)
Previous courses
- Agentur für Arbeit
- Arbeit und Leben Hamburg
- Basis & Woge e.V.
- Bethesda Krankenhaus Bergedorf
- Bucerius Law School
- Deutscher Anwaltverein DAV
- DeutscheAnwaltAkademie
- Deutsches Rotes Kreuz DRK
- Diakonisches Werk
- Europäisches Bildungszentrum der Wohnungswirtschaft und Immobilienwirtschaft EBZ
- Evangelische Hochschule Rauhes Haus
- Fachamt Straffälligen- und Gefangenenhilfe
- Family-support
- Flüchtlingszentrum Hamburg
- Grone Netzwerk Hamburg GmbH
- Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- Jugendhilfe e.V
- Kinder- und Jugendhilfe S&S gGmbH
- Kinderschutzbund
- Konsulat der Republik Ecuador Hamburg
- Landesamt für Ausländerangelegenheiten Neumünster
- Landesinstitut für Lehrerfortbildung Hamburg
- Lateinamerikaverein e.V. (LAV)
- passage gGmbH
- Republikanischer Anwaltverein RAV
- Sozialarbeit im Norden
- Spieltiger e.V.
- SPECTRUM für soziale Hilfen
- Stadtwerke München
- Teamplan – Gesellschaft für Training-, Personal und Organisations-Entwicklung mbH
- UL Urban Leben
- Verband norddeutscher Wohnungsunternehmen VNW
- Verbund sozialtherapeutischer Einrichtungen VSE
- Verdi
- verikom
- ZEIT-Stiftung